Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day 3 Bible Study

Honoring God is not just a matter of personal belief, but also living to share God's truth with others.
Daniel 2.

>The gospel must be shared
>The gospel calls us to humility
>The gospel is all about God

Tonight Andy shared his story and talked with the students about sharing their story with their friends.

Our free time today was spent at Dollywood. Students grouped up and hit the amusement park and were seen screaming their heads off on some of the wild rides. It was incredibly hot!!

God is working in hearts this week. Please keep praying for our campers and our leaders.


april said...

thanks for updating us. i miss my girls, but know they are in great hands. thank you for all of the time invested in our kids. :)

Barbara Kay said...

It's pretty quiet in the church office, needless to say. And the SC peaches I had for you and Nathan had to be given away. Sorry! Sure were good, too!! Praying for safety and blessings galore for you, your team and the kids. See you soon, Barbara Kay